Monday, December 21, 2009

Constitutional Showdown

Caution! Impasse ahead! Constitutional Showdown on the horizon!

That’s right! We Americans are heading, at an exponential rate of speed, toward a point when we have to decide whether or not we will continue on the path our founding fathers charted. So far we have an obstinate Congress, a supreme court that won’t demand an original birth certificate from our current President as well as the court’s decision to go along with international law, and a President that authorizes monies to give to foreign countries for the purpose of drilling offshore when he will not endorse our own domestic drilling. Over and over again, we see our elected leaders making decisions that help grow the federal government and its intrusive power into our lives and attempt to regulate affairs that lie outside of their enumerated powers. Many can choose to ignore the warning signs, but those of us who value freedom and liberty sense a crucial moment in American history for correcting an unconstitutional course. But how do we do this? Some suggest a national referendum. Others suggest a citizen’s Federal Grand Jury. There is absolutely no reason to wait until the next elections to stop the unconstitutional decisions being made by our elected officials. These same officials swore by an oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the United States Constitution. We need to appeal to the various state militias to offer their support to provide a safe environment for conducting legal and orderly proceedings. This will assure proper legal actions take place by either a national referendum or by the presentments of a Federal Grand Jury.